Book Review: Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

by Julia DeKorte | 24 Jul 2023


Calling all video game lovers and book lovers! Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, named the best book of 2022 by Amazon, is a touching story starring two longtime friends who make a business out of creating and designing video games together. Sam Masur and Sadie Green’s friendship began at the same time their love for video games did. Though they fell out of touch in their teenaged years, they are reunited in their late college years in the 1990s, and before they graduate they have produced a smash hit video game: Ichigo. Spanning over 30 years and telling tales of friendship, love, failure, disability, fame, and heartbreaking tragedy, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow tells a uniquely captivating story.


Sam and Sadie meet in the game room of a hospital: Sam has been hospitalized for months due to an intense injury to his left foot that leaves him disabled for the rest of his life, and Sadie’s older sister has cancer, so Sadie finds herself in the hospital on a daily basis, looking for something to do. The two find one another and end up playing video games together for hours, for weeks and weeks and weeks. They grew apart after an emotional fight, but when Sam spotted Sadie in a crowded train station over a decade later, the friendship is rekindled.


After learning that one another are still passionate about video games and a lot of convincing from Sam, the two team up to create a video game of their own: Ichigo. Sadie is the master programmer, honing her skills in programming classes at MIT, where she is one of very few women. Sam has some programming skills but truly excels in design and public outreach. With their combined skills at work, Ichigo is a hit, launching the pair into both fame and a new business, Unfair Games.


30 years pass by during this story, and Sam and Sadie’s relationship evolves and changes over the years. Though they were never romantically interested in one another, their relationship is quite complex, and as they become more famous and involved in the video gaming world, new challenges are thrown their way. They find themselves in fundamental disagreements: Sadie wants their games to be intricately designed and visually stunning. Sam wants their games to be captivating and entertaining, a form of escapism. As they navigate their business, they also navigate relationships, tragedy, and other unavoidables in life.


 A very unique story with an incredibly interesting premise, this book is perfect for practiced readers and book lovers, but also for those who may find more fun in gaming. With the video game premise of the story, anyone who has an interest in video games is bound to be entertained. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow can be categorized as a love story, a business story, a tale of video game creation, and a coming of age story, so whatever you are interested in, you can find it in these pages.

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