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SJ Kids: If you could create a new toy, describe it.
My toy would be a robot dog that talks, does your homework and gives you ice cream.
Talia Medlin, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a toy dog that talks. If you are sad, you can talk to the dog. Then the dog could cheer you up.
Vianey Bravo Enriquez, Grade 4, Keizer
It would be the color light blue. It would have two blushes on the side of its face. He would be 8” tall. It would be a bunny and have buck teeth. His name would be Toy Bonnie.
Eric Gibson, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could make a toy, I would make a box that you can pull anything out of it. Here are a few things that would be in it. There would be a cat or a dog or a bird, but I would not pull two things out at the same time.
Brayden McBride, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a toy, it would be a new airplane that is a remote control so you can drive the airplane.
Brooke Muir, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy it would be a remote control car that goes really fast. It will go 4 mph without turbo. Oh yeah, it will have turbo!
Ethan Herring, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a machine that can make all the games in the world for Xbox One. And it could make controllers.
Carter Hatfield, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy I would create a unicorn horse toy that could fly. It can fly because it is a unicorn horse. And if you want to know how it can fly, it is because it has a motor.
Jasmine Hill, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot butterfly. You could control it like a robot but it would look and fly like a butterfly. It would come in all colors also some you could paint to pick your own colors.
Jetta Mowrey, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a toy it would be a wolf and on command it would howl and walk and do tricks.
Peyton Tupper, Grade 4, Keizer
If I were to create a new toy I would make a toy baby. He would travel by rolling around on three wheels. It would swing its elbows around and say, “Mama.” It would scare away all the girls. All the boys would buy them and I would be a millionaire. It would be made of wood and plastic.
Logan Bowlby, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot making Minchin. You will put blocks and memory chips in it to go and if you put wheels in it, it will go on wheels.
Troy Turner, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could make a toy, it would be a mini ATV but with tracks. It could go on water and land. It would be radio controlled with strong underwater fans on the back for water speed. It would have super traction and go really fast. It would be able to climb steep cliffs and be big enough to fit a mouse in the seat. It would be strong enough to push a 12-foot boat on a trailer.
River Shepherd, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be an airplane that if you moved your hand it would make it stay up.
Ethan Hurtado Shore, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a talking bear. It would be a pink bear with a red bow.
Perla Diaz, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy it would be a remote control airplane that writes words in the sky but in the clouds! Or I would make a mini car that kids could drive on the real road!
Jenisa Canchola, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it will be a giant Godzilla that will destroy the whole entire world and the Godzilla is 2 feet tall. You can build the world and then Godzilla steps on the world.
Agustin Chavez, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy I would create an indestructible robot toy that would never break and can talk. It would be gray and have a lot of tools and will be really strong. It will even do my homework! It would walk like a real human. It would have really good joints and will fly.
Isaiah McBride, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a polar bear that is really skinny like a pencil. It would be skinny because it will also be a black marker.
Lluvia Vargas, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a tank. It would be dark green.
Griffin Dunn, Grade 4, Keizer
If I were to create a new toy, it would be a watch that you would put on a dog or a baby that would make it talk.
Gabe Linville, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a toy, I would make a stof bragger.
Alicia Buhrman, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a really fast roller coaster. I would name it the Blast Faster because it would be the fastest roller coaster in the world. It would come with a thousand tracks and you could design it however you want.
Destiny Rodriguez, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would talk to me, play with me and tell me when to do my homework and tell time.
Carlos Gracida Hernandez, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be called The Toy Shelf. It would be a huge shelf with all the Littlest Pet Shops in the world. They would also all be organized.
Cheyenne Marshall, Grade 4, Keizer
I would create a robot shark that you can control inside so you could go exploring underwater
Mario Martinez, Grade 6, Stephens
I would create a big box with lots of games, toys, and movies in it so when I don’t have time to play with my brother, he can play in the toys. Also I would make the toy colorful and inviting.
Karalina Matskevich, Grade 6, Stephens
I would make a robotic bear that acts like a normal bear.
Caleb Grasec, Grade 6, Stephens
I will invent a Barbie (a pretty one) and then give it life so it could be a girl’s best friend.
Jennifer Garibay, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a new toy, I would create a life-sized robotic unicorn I would fly. The unicorn can even sing and dance to the music you play.
Madison Haines, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a new toy, it would be a kitten that does the things that actual kittens do (eat, sleep, do their business, meow, etc.). It would come in many different colors depending on what the child’s favorite color is (including crazy colors like green, purple, pink or even red). It would become children’s favorite toy in no time!
Isabel Mejia, Grade 6, Stephens
Another toy I would create is “the help bot” which goes around helping people.
Cyntia Cardozo, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a toy it would be an action figure that could shoot lasers from his eyes.
Antonio Meza Rojas, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could make a toy it would be for moms. It would be a backpack and it would have magnets on it and a purse, where the two would link together or beep when the two are close or are near each other.
Cynthia Lor, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could build a new toy it would be a cooking toy. When you cook a fake piece of food it comes to life. It would be called “cook real.”
Crystal Montero, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a new toy I would make a toy that makes more toys. I would name it “the toy maker” and all the toys the toy maker made would help you with your chores and homework. And instead of batteries, the toy maker would run on potatoes.
Ruben Escabor, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could invent a new toy, it would be any animal you prefer that helps you when you’re hurt. For example, if you get a cut and need a band-aid, just open your stuffed animal’s stomach and band-aids and more will be there for you.
Elaine Pham, Grade 6, Stephens
The new toy I would invent would be an animal distractor. It would distract your dog or cat if it bugs you. It would hold out a ball of yarn or play chase with your pet. Be careful. It may try to tickle you!
MeiLi Olson, Grade 3, Chapman Hill
I would make a toy robot that cleans my room. As it cleans my room I could read to it or it could read to me.
Maeve Morris, Grade 3, Chapman Hill
I would make a toy helicopter that would fly around my room. It would drop Skittles into my mouth every hour that I was reading.
Gavin Endler, Grade 3, Chapman Hill
The toy would be a pen that you draw with. Then your drawing becomes real.
Haley Sanders, Grade 5, Cummings
A bike that charges your phone when you pedal it.
Chelsea Ramirez, Grade 5, Cummings
A toy robot that can do your homework and clean your room and only your fingerprints makes it work.
Isaiah Myers, Grade 5, Cummings
A toy watch that you speak into and it gives you what you ask for.
Logan Bain, Grade 5, Cummings
It would be a walking, talking phone.
Caleb Wiggins, Grade 4, Englewood
For the toy thing I will make a bunny that poops out chocolate. It will be called the Cool Bunny.
Emma Etheridge, Grade 5, Englewood
I would make a swimming, flying, driving remote-control car that has super long range and can go all over the world.
Gavin Gipson King, Grade 2, Englewood
If I could invent a toy it would be called Together in one Toy. You have two people in the toy together your choice. You can ask it a question about the two people and it will give you an answer. In conclusion I would love to invent that toy.
Kaleena Kessinger, Grade 5, Englewood
I want to make a Luigi toy. It would say something like WHOO when you press the button on his back.
Victor Medina-Lopez, Grade 2, Englewood
If I were to make a new toy it would be a dog toy and I would call it a Dirty-Sock Toy. When dogs chew on it, it sprays a very stinky spray that the dog loves and it will never chew your stuff again.
Elisabeth Rich, Grade 5, Englewood
A Robotic Horse: To Ride to School. And it has lasers and a cannon that shoots a tiny rock but it’s made out of candy and chocolate. It has a fake sword and it eats actual hay. It’s like a real horse!
Charles Turner, Grade 2, Englewood
Action figure Army men that move, talk, and fight. They are going to be bad that can fight each other when you say, “Fight!” There are other fighters who are aliens and are good.
Roberto Garibay, Grade 2, Englewood
I would make a cartwheel. I will make a person out of plastic. Then I will put a button on it too, and if you push it it will cartwheel.
Serenity Gay, Grade 2, Englewood
If I made a new toy it would have paint blue fire coming out of its mouth. It would have blue fire on the end of its tail. It is black. It would move its neck and make a sound. It is Mega Charizard.
Gavin Chavez, Grade 2, Englewood
If I could make a new toy it would be a big robotic controlled crab that could move and fly, turn into an airplane, and run. I would make it because it would be like flying a remote controlled airplane but way cooler. And I would make it so it could talk and swim. Another reason I would want to make it is because it would entertain people.
Kele Foust, Grade 2, Englewood
I would make a Shovelwuble. It would look like me, the same size and If you are at the beach or anywhere else and you need a shovel just say “shovel” and it will appear! If you are bored it will turn into anything you want! If you are hungry, say “food” and what you want to eat and it would appear!
Sophia Carlson, Grade 2, Englewood
If I could create a toy, it would be a duck and it would say “Go Ducks.”
Jovanny Cortes, Grade 5, Washington
If I made a new toy I would make a solar-powered car. It would also have a solar-powered control. The car could do wheelies. It could drive as fast as 8 mph. Also, the car is named velocity.
Audric Albarran, Grade 5, Washington
If I could create a toy, it would be a Nerf drone. It would be able to spy.
Kaleb Place, Grade 5, Washington
I would create a submarine with a remote control that could go under water and it could go up to the surface. Also, you have to change the battery every week and you could turn on the camera and the flashlights so you could look at the fish.
Ian Ramirez Carlos, Grade 4, Four Corners
I would create an eagle that flies and I would ride on it and we could go anywhere like Paris or New York or Miami or California. I don’t need a car to ride or airplane and we could go to the zoo.
Daniel Lokebol, Grade 4, Four Corners
I will create a robot that you control and that could turn into anything you want it to be like an animal or any electronic.
Carlos Ramos Mariel, Grade 4, Four Corners
I would create a spy helicopter that is remote controlled so you could spy on people and you could control it from a computer.
Erik Nieves, Grade 4, Four Corners
I would create an airplane that has cameras and it is so tiny that people can’t see it and I would fly the tiny airplane to outer space.
Adrian Hernandez, Grade 5, Four Corners
I would create a WrestleMania action figure. When I press a button it moves, talks, and sings all the WrestleMania songs.
Atyes Atarino, Grade 5, Four Corners
I would create a flying unicorn. That way I can ride it every day.
Jayme Rivera, Grade 5, Four Corners
I would create a little puppy so I can play with it. The puppy can talk and bring things to me.
Rosy Islas, Grade 5, Four Corners
If I could create something, I would create a phone that turned into a computer.
Andrea Garcia, Grade 5, Four Corners
The toy that I would make is the hot dog maker. It would be a little robot that would make a hot dog.
Jonathan Duarte, Grade 6, Straub
If I had a choice to make any toy in the world, it would be a mini robot that can transform into a big human-size robot that can do literally anything you tell it to except bad things.
Calum Collins, Grade 6, Straub
I would make a toy that could clean up for you. So you can play with your other toys more.
Talia Perez, Grade 6, Straub
My toy would be a snow maker, because if kids live in the desert, they get no snow. So if they want snow, just press the button and snow.
Zane Goldberg, Grade 6, Straub
My toy would be a mind reading mini fridge. You open the door, and the only food you’re thinking of is in there.
Brent Martin, Grade 5, Sumpter
I would like a hologram that would go to school for me.
Alex Lowe, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could make a new toy, it would be a Fluffy Plush, which is a fuzzy ball with a face and is blue. It would have a button inside, so if you squeeze it, it will shout “IIEE!”
Robbie Martin, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could create a new toy it would be a personal robot that does all your chores and homework for you.
Katie Curtis, Grade 5, Sumpter
It would be a Friend Bot. It would do anything. It is 5 feet tall and is awesome. It can create money, play catch with you and make other toys!
Jayden Blosser, Grade 5, Sumpter
A remote control helicopter that is life-size so you can get in and fly yourself anywhere.
Boston Ralston, Grade 5, Sumpter
I would create a toy called the Brother Bot S-13. It could do anything, but its main function is when my brother annoys me, he throws him outside!
Cheyenne Stalfire, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could create one toy, it would be a car that runs on its own, that can turn into a plane and fly around the room.
Alexis Gerspacher, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could make any toy I would make a robot that would be like a real sister. She would help me with my homework.
Kendrey McGath, Grade 5, Sumpter
I would make a toy to do all my homework. Do you know how awesome that would be? It would also tell me everything that I need to know.
Chris Rogers, Grade 5, Sumpter
My new toy would be a horse that poops out ice cream and it’d eat the ice cream, then it would poop out gold and eat the gold, then it would poop out a motorcycle and we’d aaaaall ride away.
Oscar Kreutz Gallardo, Grade 1, Valley Inquiry
I would create a toy that would clean my room.
Josue Acosta Jimenez, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be LaLa Boop doll. She has a pink dress and would dance and sing.
Layla Alba, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would be green and look like 10 boxes. It would have a lid that opened and out pops candies.
Erica Arovich, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that could clean my room in 20 seconds and if I told her to put all the toys in the closet, she would.
Helen Bernal Lagos, Grade 1, Weddle
A cool truck that would run and run without batteries.
Adelyn Carter, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would jump and be fun to play with in my room.
Antonio Contreras, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would be a cleaning machine to clean my room, because it needs to be clean.
Lucy Corrales, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would be a big butler that would clean my room and do my chores.
Audrey Davis, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would make would do my homework and clean my room.
Karsten Dunn, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would make would be a robot. It would clean the yard and do all the dishes.
Aiden Follett, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would give you kisses, hugs and hold you, too.
Michael Garibay Zesati, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a doll as big as me and dressed as a ballerina. Her name would be Makenna and her dress would be pink and purple.
Makenna Gering, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy that would find cool stuff under the ground and would make beeping sounds when it found something.
Adrian Greene Orta, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy horse that would be brown and it would take me to school.
Aracela Hernandez Russell, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy that can walk and could read you stories.
Sarah Kalugin, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy that would make more toys.
Romeo Mata, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a fake banana made with strings on the outside and inside would be a real banana. I could play it and make music.
Leanne Mudong, Grade 1, Weddle
A car that would be very colorful and have fire coming out of the sides.
Brooklynn Stewart, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a robot that cleans everything for you.
Joshua VanDyke, Grade 1, Weddle
I would make a toy that would climb walls and have claws to protect you.
Aryana Vasquez Centeno, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy cat. It would climb and run really fast. I would pick it up and pet it.
Angel Wooley, Grade 1, Weddle
I would make a dog that you could charge. You could play as if he was a dog. If someone is bad he would make a noise.
Angelina Cortes, Grade 3, Auburn
If I could invent a new toy it would be a little box with the red button on the outside of the box and all the rest of it would be blue. I would push the button and it will make the season change. There would be a little button on the other side and when you push that one it will make a different kind of weather all around you. If someone pushes the season button, it would be that season for the whole week. You have to say what kind of season or weather you want and it would do it.
Autumn Dimick, Kindergarten, Bud to Blossom
I would make a toy that could help sick people get better and back to normal. It would look like a rainbow.
Carley Petersen, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy it would look like a bubble and it would turn into anything you say.
Elise Countryman, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a new toy, I would make a robotic teacher mannequin. She would help you with your homework.
Grace Kirksey, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robot dog. The robot dog would act like a puppy or a grown dog and you could also train it and teach it tricks. It would be great for people who are allergic to dogs.
Hailey Fountain, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create the anti-gravity simulator which could disable gravity within a five foot radius.
Isaiah McKinstry, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robotic animal that could do anything a human could do. That way it would be like hanging out with a real person! There would be different gender and animal choices. It would be really smart so it could even do your homework!
Jia Israel, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would name my toy “no cats in the house.” It would be a toy that is shaped like a box and when you press a blue/pink button, it would take the form of a dog and it would bark, walk, run and do tricks. I think it could teach kids responsibility.
Jordyn Carver, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a new toy, I would make a robot that could entertain you and he would be able to do your homework.
Joseph Wavra, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a big treasure chest and a key so nobody would take your stuff.
Thatcher Ohmart, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I created a new toy, I would create a robot made out of metal. The robot would be big and would do whatever I wanted it to do.
Averi Erickson, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a toy that dispenses chocolate. All you would have to do is all of your chores.
Cody Warren, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robot to help the elderly. Meaning, it would make breakfast, lunch and dinner. It would also play games and read out loud to the blind. The robot would also help walk the elderly.
Elliana Rodriguez, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a life-size TARDIS and it would teleport to the past and the future.
Jaimon Chaney, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy invention would be a robot called “Chore” and he’d do all of my chores from cleaning my room to taking out the trash. I’d just play video games all day long.
Jameson Lathen, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a new toy, I would make a robot that could do anything in the world, anytime, anywhere. It would have a square head and a square body. Its arms and legs could stretch. That’s the new toy I would make.
Jocelyn Hawkins, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I built a toy it would be a chore robot so I could watch TV.
Keyanna Harrington, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a ballerina that could spin and dance, just like me.
Kiana DeLeon, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a toy that when you draw on certain paper, it turns into the thing that you draw or glows in the dark.
Makiyah Holder, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robot that is named Ziggy. It would be really smart. It would not be hurtful; it would be a helpful robot that could build anything.
Mason Murray, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a robot that when you press a button, it jumps into a ball and flies.
Maximus Yermachenkov, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a toy that I could play with when no one else wanted to play. Except I wouldn’t need it because I already have a cat.
Paisley Sparks, Grade 4, Kalapuya
The personal bot. It will be your alarm and if you don’t get up, it will spray water in your face. At school when you drop your lunch, it will clean it all up and get you a new one. Also, if someone takes your wallet, it will race towards them and get your wallet back.
Pardis Ahmadi, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a kid airplane and you could fly in it.
Remington Gray, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a robot that could do my homework and then turn into a giant chocolate fountain.
Ryan Watson, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a toy, it would be a dog that was very much like dog but no one would be allergic to it.
Sofia Stonebrink, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a bionic super robot! It would be made out of copper and metal and it would save people!
Sophia Phegley, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a basketbot. A basketbot is a robot that plays basketball. It would help me practice. It would pass to me so I can shoot the ball and play one on one. I will win.
Tommy Slack, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy would be called A.U.T.T. (Age of the Toys). The A.U.T.T. would scan your toy and tell you how old it is.
Jackson Colyer, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy would be a robot that helps you with anything.
Drew Zohner, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy, I would create an assistant robot to help with laundry and housework.
Avery Searle, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy that would work, I would make a robot that would do my homework so I could do my housework.
Brennan Parker, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy, I would create a toy that would clean your room. It would fold up so small that it could fit in a small space.
David Harvey, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a crayon smasher. It would smash crayons and mix colors together. It would also flatten the crayon out for side coloring.
Dustin Chalton, Grade 4, Kalapuya
A toy called Landon that could help you with anything. Also he could hover over ground and could go anywhere!
Dylan Fast, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a homework machine. It would run on a battery and you would need ink, like a printer. Also it would do all your homework.
Garret Manus, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a Lego model of a Lego robot and make it work to find different types of treasure.
Isaac Yoakum, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a toy helicopter with arms and could get you food, turn your favorite TV show on, and vacuum your entire house in 30 minutes!
Jacob Poissant, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy would be the Awesome Robot 3000. My toy would do chores for you just in 10 minutes!
Jake VanOtterloo, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy I would make a toy that would play games with you. There would be a chip for each game. It could play sports or anything else.
Joshua Knowles, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a new kind of football helmet that has night vision in the big space on top. So then you can play in the dark better.
Josiah Hill, Grade 4, Kalapuya
The toy I would create would be a blue and purple marker and a crayon marker that can glow in the dark. It could be washable too. All you need is different colors of crayons.
Judith Jade Mallari, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a cat toy that acts like a real cat. It would come in three colors: black, white and orange. It would sleep, eat, follow and meow.
Lindzee Schaefer, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy, I would make a robot that would help with school work and homework.
Logan Moskal, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I were to create a new toy it would be something that had a remote so you could push the name of the place you wanted to go and you’re there.
Madison Wilch, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would like to create a toy about soccer because I love soccer. I think it would be like hand soccer instead of feet.
Makenzie Shambaugh, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a toy that could play with you if you had no one to play with! It could help you with your homework too. That’s the toy I would create!
Mia Crow, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would like to make a mini basketball hoop that would have a ball returner with every NBA team on the backboard all around.
Noah Schaffner, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a big remote controlled spider so I could freak out my brother without being seen doing it.
Paisley Torres, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My new toy would be a new electric robot that would be able to clean my room, prepare food and help me do homework so you don’t have to do it all yourself.
Roman Castronovo, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could invent a new toy it would be a toy that could store your pencils, markers, erasers and colored pencils that would show you multiple backgrounds by flipping a switch. The backgrounds would be white with a thin black outline so you could color it in. Plus, once you ran out of backgrounds, you could go get a new pack at the store.
Ruby McNamee, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be one toy that you could talk to and whatever you said it would do or be. So every kid would have one toy.
Savannah Johnson, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a robot dog. It would be metal and magnetic. It would act like a real dog by fetching magnetic bones, barking when someone comes to my house and many other things.
Sydney Edmiston, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot that can play basketball and all the sports with you. The robot could teach you all the stuff for each sport. It also could clean your room and make you food.
Tyler Rock, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy, I would make an action figure that could turn into a mechanical pencil. It could write on paper.
Tyler Scott, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a teleporter. It would take you to the past.
Xavier Santoyo, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My new toy would be a new dollhouse and the size would be one meter. It would have two elevators and six bedrooms and two kitchens. It would be the best dollhouse ever and the elevator would move up and down!
Shelby Berkey, Grade 2, Schirle
I would pick a robot and would give it some legs and some arms and it would walk and talk. It would have silver and some gray and a little bit of white. Then after I am all done, I would play with it. It would help me do my homework so I can turn it into my teacher. Then I would be all done with my stuff.
Dazy Guzman, Grade 2, Schirle
The new toy that I’m going to build is a remote-control man. It looks like a warrior with a shield and a sword. There’s buttons on it. You tell it what to do!
Jensen Colvin, Grade 2, Schirle
My new toy would be a jumping shoe and it will jump as tall as me. It is purple and pink!
Ramsey Ebert, Grade 2, Schirle
I would create a new video game called Survive. In the game, you would survive from gummy bear villains by eating them up!
Cole Dodson, Grade 1, Schirle
My toy would be a boomerang that shoots water balloons so that if you miss your friends they will still get wet when the boomerang comes back.
Evan Mckinney, Grade 4, Scott
If I created a toy it would be a robot that would do all my chores.
Cruz Garcia, Grade 5, Scott
If I created a new toy it would be a flying car.
Jaycub Valdivia, Grade 4, Scott
If I created a toy it would be a robot Batman that helps people when they are in trouble.
Micah Rader, Grade 4, Scott
If I could make a toy it would look like a can with handmade arms and legs and it would do your homework for you.
Haylee Romero, Grade 4, Scott
If I could create a toy it would be a small box that you can play games on and it also makes pies.
Billy Strom, Grade 5, Scott
My toy would be called Bodyguard and it would look like a giant dog. When it senses danger it would transform into a bodyguard and take care of the danger.
Nick Cruz, Grade 5, Scott
If I could create a toy it would do stuff like give you money and candy and pop and your own pool.
Eli Pike, Grade 3, Scott
If I could make a toy it would be a puzzle game game that helps people learn. They would learn English, math, writing, and reading.
Joseph Branco, Grade 5, Scott
A lizard that is powered by M&Ms and draws pictures.
Adrian Crider, Grade 5, Myers
A bear that is so cute but whatever you want it would get it for you. It will do anything.
Moriah Chavarri, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a toy where you could make your own friend on a computer and they could play with you.
Sara Jaffe, Grade 5, Myers
I would make FbF 2000. It is a Football Field 2000. It connects to the football to see where the ball was down.
Josh Pikl, Grade 5, Myers
If I could make a toy, it would be an exo-suit that lets you jump high and makes you slide far. It would come with mag-gloves that let you stick to magnetic surfaces.
Malikhi Holloway, Grade 5, Myers
It would be a box. But it would have a button speaker. Once you speak into it (like say you said “stuffed animal”) then you press the button and the box turns into a toy of your choice.
Rylee McKinney, Grade 4, Myers
It would have a big toy robot, so if you don’t have a friend, press the friend button, and it would play whatever you would like to do. It can also be your best friend.
Keely Stone, Grade 4, Myers
It would be a vanquish device so you could go through time to vanquish all your enemies! (evil laugh)
Liliana Bratcher, Grade 5, Myers
Well I would create a robot that looks like me because I’m too cool for school and what it would do is: break dance, get all of my homework in, be the cool kid and, last but not least, it would make me look good in front of people.
S.J. Hunt, Grade 5, Myers
If I could create a new toy it would be a mini Elvis Presley toy and when you push the button it would play all of his songs.
Ryder Story, Grade 4, Myers
If I could make a new toy it would be ... Perry the Plateaus! It would be a crime fighting agent.
Ashton Simmons, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a donut maker. What it will do is tell you what donut you want and there is your donut.
Matt Cerda, Grade 5, Myers
If I created a toy it would be a little flying robot that was just big enough for you to see. And the controller would have a screen so that you could see what the robot was seeing.
Jeremiah Pinkerton, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a flying toy that you can actually get on. It would have 30 seats and it would be covered like a flying car. It would have a lever to move. It would actually have all the things to drive it and you can play inside.
Abigail Barajas, Grade 5, Myers
I would make levitation fuzzy socks so your feet can be warm and you don’t have to walk everywhere.
Kylee Albers, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a potato launcher that launches potatoes up to 50 feet.
Camryn Winterst, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a robot that could choose clothes for school.
Monste Lopez, Grade 5, Myers
I would invent an action figure that you could set down and then say “bipity bopity boo” and it would come to life. I would call it the Bipity Guys.
Vaughan Tippets, Grade 4, Myers
If I could create a new toy, it would be a chicken nugget toy. This is how it works: You can fry it so it tastes crunchy or you can eat it toasted or just regular and the part that you bit will come back like 20 times and when you get to the middle, then a Slam City guy is in it like John Cena or Kane or Randy Orton and other ones.
Anthony Gonzalez, Grade 3, Sacred Heart
My toy would be a machine that would shoot out soccer balls and then you kick the soccer ball.
Juan Rios, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could create a new toy it would be an Army guy with bombs and it would throw them at you.
Thomas Bischoff, Grade 3, Sacred Heart
The toy I would like to create is a cross between a transformer and Easy-Bake Oven. Both boys and girls can play with it. The oven transforms into a robot and it shoots tasty treats.
Sasha Nagy, Grade 3, Sacred Heart
A new toy I would create would be a homework monkey. It would do all of the work that you do at home.
Nyeelah Brown, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could make a toy, it would be a little toy demonater and it would shoot out candies or toys and sometimes both. It would shoot out a prize for your first time using it.
Brooke Harmon, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
A small stuffed panda that can turn invisible when you say its name. To make it seen, say its name twice and it will reappear. You will never lose it and your dog will never chew it.
Jaiden Collazo, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would create a talking robot that could do your chores for you.
Josie Schultz, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would create a ball that you can turn into different shapes.
Frances Lear, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could make a new toy, it would be a lunchbot 3,000 and it would make me free lunches.
Bryce Harmon, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would invent a T-rex that is all blue with some purple on it. It would be big and you ride on it.
Sofia Contreras, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could create a new toy, it would be a remote control car with four wings and four legs.
Aldair Cruz, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
My toy would be an action figure of three toys put together. The toys would be Batman, Buzz Lightyear and SpongeBob. It would control your parents’ minds so they never say no to you.
Olivia Traeger, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would create a toy bed that turns me into a mermaid.
Isabella Benjamin, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy Nerf gun that when you pull the trigger you turn into Hulk with powers.
Kellen Bowman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a robot chicken that turns into a phone.
Aza Caraway, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy of my dad that saves the world.
Katelyn Clevenger, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy can-robot so if you turn on a switch it goes and if you turn a switch the other way it stops.
Autumn Clinton, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that would make me into Batgirl.
Soraya Goeson, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy that turns me into a flying unicorn.
Moriyah Gonzalez, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy that turns you into a mermaid.
Olivia Jenkins, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy costume that has a rocket in it.
Devyn Johnson, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a dress, shoes and wings that become real.
Joanna Li, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that if you eat it you will turn into Elsa.
Ellyanna Lindquist, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that turns me into a candy.
Jonah Strunk, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy owl that spits out hot lava.
Seth Sweeney, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that when you put it in your mouth, you turn into whoever you want.
Summer Wiley, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy cloak that turns you invisible.
Jacob Wollman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy Baymax that turns into the armored Baymax.
Jeffrey Zambrana, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy Lego that turns into Lego Simpson’s House.
Koldyn Zunck, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy crumbs that turn the whole world into Elsa.
Julia Tucker, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy that is a touchable optical illusion. Something that would be interesting even for adults.
Santiago Blanco-Mills, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a toy it would be the hover bike. It would be the toy sensation that’s sweeping the nation.
Martin Lopez, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would make a toy that launches footballs into a field goal post, but you have to aim it yourself.
Anthony Saltarello, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would make a toy called the chore-o-bot that would do your chores.
Caiden Cummings, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It would be a castle builder. It would make your dream castle or home.
Samuel Schindler, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would create a Nerf gun that would be able to go 500 feet.
Sebastian Ramos, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would create a robotic giraffe that you could ride anywhere and you could pick fruit from the tallest trees.
Skyla Troxelll, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could make a toy, it would be an animal or a baby that you have to take care of, or it would get sick.
Isabella, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
A machine that can slow time down so you can play more video games.
Luke Holland, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
My new toy would be called the “Piano-Teacher.” It would be able to teach you piano notes, all the latest songs, and more, in the form of a super cool black and white robot with a little piano attached to it.
Aidan Ayres, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a machine that would bring all the Star Wars characters to life.
Bridget Raffensperger, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy series it would be called the mini creations set. You could make mini world wonders such as the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, a limited gigantic cookie, and much more.
Ian Burchard, Grade 5, Queen Of Peace
If I were to name a new toy, it would be called “Broccoli Science; how to make and eat,” and it would be a kit with all natural ingredients and instructions on how to grow the broccoli.
Kyle Fromwiller, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would create a small box that could turn into a custom design water park.
Ella Mhoon, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
My toy would be a giant pillow with an iPad inside!
Renee, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It will be a giant doll house that comes with many different toys. Plus it will have a secret place to hide your toys from your little siblings.
Jasmine Manuel, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
The toy would be a video game called “Super You.” You are a super hero that fights crime. You take a photo of yourself and upload it on the game.
Hannah Estrabo, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would make a toy that helps you with your homework.
Ismael Lopez, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It would be called toys and robots. It would take metal planes, cars and ships toys and transform into remote control robots.
Marc Devaux, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
The toy I would create would be an auto assist to help you with controls on a gaming system like Xbox, PS3 or PS4.
Jacob Giruc, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot which would scan your handwriting and it would do your homework in your handwriting!
Alex Cirocco, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would look like a lady that has blond hair and it would make money for the kids.
Maddy Carlson, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot brother and it would be your servant for life.
Belen Cedillo, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could make any toy it would be called Squdilly. It would be a squid with with a human face and it would be used to scare people on April Fool’s Day.
Ellie Fromwiller, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot genius and what it would do is it would do your work and homework.
Emily Lopez, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy, I would call it the Chocolate Walker and it would walk and do your chores.
Elisha Davison, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I had to make a new toy it would be a robot that only listens to your voice and only cleans your room. The robot will have one wheel, blue eyes, and super long arms.
Rachel Sever, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a toy that looked like a soda machine, but when my sister tries to get a bottle of pop, it will shrink her and trap her inside the bottle.
Liam Stanley, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could make a toy it would be a blue shoe that tap dances.
Tommy George, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I made a new toy it would be a chocolate dispenser and it would give you chocolate if you put a quarter in.
Eddie Hermmann, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a remote controlled dog but the best thing is that you could feed the dog your homework.
Kellen Hayase, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be called the Homework Machine (TM). It would do all your homework for you.
Ben Cupani, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I created a toy it would be called the Cry Baby. It would be indescribably ugly and it would make kids cry (ages 0-3) by ugliness and a horrible sound.
Spencer Kowalski, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy, I’d grab my sister and we would invent flying shoes. When you put them on you’d be able to fly. Just try not to crash!
Ziba Mokalla, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It would be Godzilla 2014 and he would roar and shoot his atomic breath.
Jason Kelly, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would create a magical portal that would let you go into books!
Trystan Patton, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would make a Create your own Toy! First, for example, you pick your toy like a doll or something, then you would pull a string and talk into it, making it copy your voice. Finally, you would design it!
Olivia Longoria, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would create a toy robot that would do your homework and bring you snacks.
Marli Davenport, Grade 5, Salem Heights
If I were to make a toy it would be a robot that does your homework and reads book to you and goes to school for you.
Nevaeh DuHamel, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could make a new toy, it would be a remote controlled helicopter that says stuff so you could prank your friend.
Trevor Goldman, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a toy it would be a Ducks toy that could make the Ducks win all their games.
Matthew Gauntt, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would make an everything-you-want ball. If you say “race car” to it, then you get a race car!
Makayla Meleason, Grade 5, Salem Heights
A robot spider to scare your parents.
Brody Sparks, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a new toy, it would be a big monkey that could talk and walk and babies would love it!
Mackenzie Larson, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would make a toy pig that poops free bacon for breakfast in the morning so your mommy doesn’t have to spend time to make bacon. And so the bacon monster doesn’t get you.
Devin Wardell, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I were to create a toy it would be a robot machine where you put in your homework in a mail slot then it writes the answers down on the paper and gives it back to you.
Nadia Ledesma, Grade 4, Salem Heights
It would be a robot bat that eats all the bugs in the house and feeds you cake.
Nora Cielo, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would make an Internet ball. It would have free Internet (of course) and it would be the color blue and it would have a cord to plug it into your iPad (or iPod or computer, etc.).
Rylan Davidson, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would make an iron man that can change into anything. Yes!
Conner Franklin, Grade 4, Salem Heights
One that helps you with hard times like math.
Lainey Geisel, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would make a robot bath that would wash you and wash your hair and clean your body and dry you off and drain all by itself. Then it would get you dinner and put you to sleep. And it would go back in the bathroom and go to sleep itself and in the morning the boy would take a bath again. The end.
Kaylee Peschel, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a new toy I would make me because it is so cool to see me in the mirror and do what I do.
Elektra Baker, Grade 4, Salem Heights
It would be an action figure that makes bacon and money and does all my homework and protects me and looks like Santa Claus.
Anthony Evans, Grade 5, Salem Heights
If I made a toy, it would be a toy bat that could fly and talk to you.
Joseph Manring, Grade 4, Salem Heights
It would be a robot to do your chores and homework and it would play with you and it would protect you if you were in danger.
Draven Poole, Grade 4, Salem Heights
A tron that is called the Nerf chest. It is full of hidden adventures.
Aidan Lunceford, Grade 4, Salem Heights
The lasy tron 3,000. It has six boxes and they’re filled with food and it has a stand for electronics.
Ayden scalf, Grade 5, Salem Heights
The fluber friends: a group of dogs, cats, and turtles that can stretch, but can still go back to their regular shapes. It is also machine washer safe.
Ashlynn Steiner, Grade 5, Salem Heights
If I could make a new toy it would be a robot who did your chores and made me food.
Caleb Rydholm, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would create a toy that does everything for you. For example, your homework.
Faith Maldonado, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a toy, I’d create a zebra print curling iron. It would curl my hair for me and still not burn me.
Hannah Fery, Grade 5, St. Mary
I would make a real light saber. It would not cut things. It would only feel like a foam sword.
Tristan Klascius, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I made a toy I would make it a toy microwave and instead of numbers it has letters. You would type in what you want and out it comes!
Allison Hendricks, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a laser blaster binkie for babies. Definitely.
Lucas Flett, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot that could do your homework for you.
Tyler Fery, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy it would be a walking unicorn that would be a little maid and there would be a button that would be red with sparkles and when you pushed it it would scare bullies away. And another button would make the unicorn turn into anything in the world.
Reesey Budlong, Grade 4, St. Mary
I want to make a teddy bear that shoots lasers out of its eyes and does karate.
Garrett Callsen, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a video game called U.S. Army and you could drive tanks and Army jeeps. It would be like Call Of Duty but better. With more updates.
Dylan Wellborn, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a super blast rocket toy! It would blast up in the air and it would go 100 feet up or make a super duper deep hole underground by blasting underground. After blasting, it would come right back to you and it would start to slow down and you would be able to catch it without getting hurt.
Michael Duncan, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy it would be a stuffed unicorn that can store art supplies, Starbursts, jelly beans and Skittles!
Amy Martinez, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a giant unicorn that would fly on rainbows and eat leftovers from dinner so you wouldn’t have to eat it the next day. And bring you to a far away land during night so you won’t have to hear snoring at night.
Joshua Blish, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could make a new toy I would call it a porter. It is an item that can teleport you anywhere you would want to go.
Luke Carlock, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would create a box that could turn into a football, basketball, soccer ball, create gym and airhogs, so you can see what is going on around you. It would be so cool!
Cody Ditter, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a toy it would be a creeper from Minecraft and when you put your hand in front of it, the creeper would come to life and you would get diamond armor and a diamond sword. Then you would go to a Minecraft world and you would be surrounded by creepers. You would have to survive them and when you killed the creepers you could stay in Minecraft or return to Earth!
Adam Hilton, Grade 4, St. Mary
My toy would be made so that you could customize it to make it do whatever you want. You could even create your own creature!
Anna Welter, Grade 4, St. Mary
It would be called Drable. It is a double-headed dragon and each scale you push something happens. There are 100 scales and if you call in the next 24 hours you get it free and you get not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 of them free! Thank you for watching.
Aidan Klascius, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would create a lollipop that can change into any toy tractor, football, basketball, chocolate, Sour Patch Kids, a Nerf gun, baseball, skittles, pizza, hamburger, fries, basketball gym, hot dog and a real life farm with some cows, some horses, some pigs, some sheep, some bunnies, some cats and some dogs.
Casey Voltin, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I created a toy it would be called DONE! It would be a remote with a keyboard. Type something, hit the DO button and DONE.
Melissa Gonzalez, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy it would be a blank shapeless thing that would form into anything the buyer wanted including living animals or pets. You could even want money and would get it but that money would be all you get. You cannot want money makers because that would be bad for the government.
Ayden Murphy-Kirsch, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot that could do homework and other chores for me.
Wyatt Zerkel, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could invent a new toy, it would be a button that says “NO.” When you push on, it would say “NO.” So when your parents say, “Don’t say no to me,” you would get to say, “I did not say it, the button did.”
CeCe Baughman, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could make a new toy, it would be a put together robot that would be real and would do anything you ask it to.
Colten Nussbaumer, Grade 5, St. Mary
My new toy would be a soft fluffy bunny that roars like a cow. It would be so soft to sleep with and the cow noise could wake up your brothers or sisters.
Tristan McMullen, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could create a toy, it would be called Andre Bot 3000. It would be a a robot that is 3 feet tall and be a regular robot. It does your chores and you could play with it.
Andre Pelayo, Grade 5, St. Mary
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SJ Kids: If you could create a new toy, describe it.
My toy would be a robot dog that talks, does your homework and gives you ice cream.
Talia Medlin, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a toy dog that talks. If you are sad, you can talk to the dog. Then the dog could cheer you up.
Vianey Bravo Enriquez, Grade 4, Keizer
It would be the color light blue. It would have two blushes on the side of its face. He would be 8” tall. It would be a bunny and have buck teeth. His name would be Toy Bonnie.
Eric Gibson, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could make a toy, I would make a box that you can pull anything out of it. Here are a few things that would be in it. There would be a cat or a dog or a bird, but I would not pull two things out at the same time.
Brayden McBride, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a toy, it would be a new airplane that is a remote control so you can drive the airplane.
Brooke Muir, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy it would be a remote control car that goes really fast. It will go 4 mph without turbo. Oh yeah, it will have turbo!
Ethan Herring, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a machine that can make all the games in the world for Xbox One. And it could make controllers.
Car ter Hatfield, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy I would create a unicorn horse toy that could fly. It can fly because it is a unicorn horse. And if you want to know how it can fly, it is because it has a motor.
Jasmine Hill, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot butterfly. You could control it like a robot but it would look and fly like a butterfly. It would come in all colors also some you could paint to pick your own colors.
Jetta Mowrey, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a toy it would be a wolf and on command it would howl and walk and do tricks.
Peyton Tupper, Grade 4, Keizer
If I were to create a new toy I would make a toy baby. He would travel by rolling around on three wheels. It would swing its elbows around and say, “Mama.” It would scare away all the girls. All the boys would buy them and I would be a millionaire. It would be made of wood and plastic.
Logan Bowlby, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot making Minchin. You will put blocks and memory chips in it to go and if you put wheels in it, it will go on wheels.
Troy Turner, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could make a toy, it would be a mini ATV but with tracks. It could go on water and land. It would be radio controlled with strong underwater fans on the back for water speed. It would have super traction and go really fast. It would be able to climb steep cliffs and be big enough to fit a mouse in the seat. It would be strong enough to push a 12-foot boat on a trailer.
River Shepherd, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be an airplane that if you moved your hand it would make it stay up.
Ethan Hurtado Shore, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a talking bear. It would be a pink bear with a red bow.
Perla Diaz, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy it would be a remote control airplane that writes words in the sky but in the clouds! Or I would make a mini car that kids could drive on the real road!
Jenisa Canchola, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it will be a giant Godzilla that will destroy the whole entire world and the Godzilla is 2 feet tall. You can build the world and then Godzilla steps on the world.
Agustin Chavez, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy I would create an indestructible robot toy that would never break and can talk. It would be gray and have a lot of tools and will be really strong. It will even do my homework! It would walk like a real human. It would have really good joints and will fly.
Isaiah McBride, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a polar bear that is really skinny like a pencil. It would be skinny because it will also be a black marker.
Lluvia Vargas, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a tank. It would be dark green.
Griffin Dunn, Grade 4, Keizer
If I were to create a new toy, it would be a watch that you would put on a dog or a baby that would make it talk.
Gabe Linville, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a toy, I would make a stof bragger.
Alicia Buhrman, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be a really fast roller coaster. I would name it the Blast Faster because it would be the fastest roller coaster in the world. It would come with a thousand tracks and you could design it however you want.
Destiny Rodriguez, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would talk to me, play with me and tell me when to do my homework and tell time.
Carlos Gracida Hernandez, Grade 4, Keizer
If I could create a new toy, it would be called The Toy Shelf. It would be a huge shelf with all the Littlest Pet Shops in the world. They would also all be organized.
Cheye nne Marshall, Grade 4, Keizer
I would create a robot shark that you can control inside so you could go exploring underwater
Mario Martinez, Grade 6, Stephens
I would create a big box with lots of games, toys, and movies in it so when I don’t have time to play with my brother, he can play in the toys. Also I would make the toy colorful and inviting.
Karali na Matskevich, Grade 6, Stephens
I would make a robotic bear that acts like a normal bear.
Caleb Grasec, Grade 6, Stephens
I will invent a Barbie (a pretty one) and then give it life so it could be a girl’s best friend.
Jennifer Garibay, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a new toy, I would create a life-sized robotic unicorn I would fly. The unicorn can even sing and dance to the music you play.
Madison Haines, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a new toy, it would be a kitten that does the things that actual kittens do (eat, sleep, do their business, meow, etc.). It would come in many different colors depending on what the child’s favorite color is (including crazy colors like green, purple, pink or even red). It would become children’s favorite toy in no time!
Isabel Mejia, Grade 6, Stephens
Another toy I would create is “the help bot” which goes around helping people.
Cyntia Cardozo, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a toy it would be an action figure that could shoot lasers from his eyes.
Antonio Meza Rojas, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could make a toy it would be for moms. It would be a backpack and it would have magnets on it and a purse, where the two would link together or beep when the two are close or are near each other.
Cynthia Lor, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could build a new toy it would be a cooking toy. When you cook a fake piece of food it comes to life. It would be called “cook real.”
Crystal Montero, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could create a new toy I would make a toy that makes more toys. I would name it “the toy maker” and all the toys the toy maker made would help you with your chores and homework. And instead of batteries, the toy maker would run on potatoes.
Ruben Escabor, Grade 6, Stephens
If I could invent a new toy, it would be any animal you prefer that helps you when you’re hurt. For example, if you get a cut and need a band-aid, just open your stuffed animal’s stomach and band-aids and more will be there for you.
Elaine Pham, Grade 6, Stephens
The new toy I would invent would be an animal distractor. It would distract your dog or cat if it bugs you. It would hold out a ball of yarn or play chase with your pet. Be careful. It may try to tickle you!
MeiLi Olson, Grade 3, Chapman Hill
I would make a toy robot that cleans my room. As it cleans my room I could read to it or it could read to me.
Maeve Morris, Grade 3, Chapman Hill
I would make a toy helicopter that would fly around my room. It would drop Skittles into my mouth every hour that I was reading.
Gavin Endler, Grade 3, Chapman Hill
The toy would be a pen that you draw with. Then your drawing becomes real.
Haley Sanders, Grade 5, Cummings
A bike that charges your phone when you pedal it.
Chelsea Ramirez, Grade 5, Cummings
A toy robot that can do your homework and clean your room and only your fingerprints makes it work.
Isaiah Myers, Grade 5, Cummings
A toy watch that you speak into and it gives you what you ask for.
Logan Bain, Grade 5, Cummings
It would be a walking, talking phone.
Caleb Wiggins, Grade 4, Englewood
For the toy thing I will make a bunny that poops out chocolate. It will be called the Cool Bunny.
Emma Etheridge, Grade 5, Englewood
I would make a swimming, flying, driving remote-control car that has super long range and can go all over the world.
Gavin Gipson King, Grade 2, Englewood
If I could invent a toy it would be called Together in one Toy. You have two people in the toy together your choice. You can ask it a question about the two people and it will give you an answer. In conclusion I would love to invent that toy.
Kaleena Kessinger, Grade 5, Englewood
I want to make a Luigi toy. It would say something like WHOO when you press the button on his back.
Victor Medina-Lopez, Grade 2, Englewood
If I were to make a new toy it would be a dog toy and I would call it a Dirty-Sock Toy. When dogs chew on it, it sprays a very stinky spray that the dog loves and it will never chew your stuff again.
Elisabeth Rich, Grade 5, Englewood
A Robotic Horse: To Ride to School. And it has lasers and a cannon that shoots a tiny rock but it’s made out of candy and chocolate. It has a fake sword and it eats actual hay. It’s like a real horse!
Charles Turner, Grade 2, Englewood
Action figure Army men that move, talk, and fight. They are going to be bad that can fight each other when you say, “Fight!” There are other fighters who are aliens and are good.
Roberto Garibay, Grade 2, Englewood
I would make a cartwheel. I will make a person out of plastic. Then I will put a button on it too, and if you push it it will cartwheel.
Seren ity Gay, Grade 2, Englewood
If I made a new toy it would have paint blue fire coming out of its mouth. It would have blue fire on the end of its tail. It is black. It would move its neck and make a sound. It is Mega Charizard.
Gavin Chavez, Grade 2, Englewood
If I could make a new toy it would be a big robotic controlled crab that could move and fly, turn into an airplane, and run. I would make it because it would be like flying a remote controlled airplane but way cooler. And I would make it so it could talk and swim. Another reason I would want to make it is because it would entertain people.
Kele Foust, Grade 2, Englewood
I would make a Shovelwuble. It would look like me, the same size and If you are at the beach or anywhere else and you need a shovel just say “shovel” and it will appear! If you are bored it will turn into anything you want! If you are hungry, say “food” and what you want to eat and it would appear!
Sophia Carlson, Grade 2, Englewood
If I could create a toy, it would be a duck and it would say “Go Ducks.”
Jovann y Cortes, Grade 5, Washington
If I made a new toy I would make a solar-powered car. It would also have a solar-powered control. The car could do wheelies. It could drive as fast as 8 mph. Also, the car is named velocity.
Audric Albarran, Grade 5, Washington
If I could create a toy, it would be a Nerf drone. It would be able to spy.
Kaleb Place, Grade 5, Washington
I would create a submarine with a remote control that could go under water and it could go up to the surface. Also, you have to change the battery every week and you could turn on the camera and the flashlights so you could look at the fish.
Ian Ramirez Carlos, Grade 4, Four Corners
I would create an eagle that flies and I would ride on it and we could go anywhere like Paris or New York or Miami or California. I don’t need a car to ride or airplane and we could go to the zoo.
Daniel Lokebol, Grade 4, Four Corners
I will create a robot that you control and that could turn into anything you want it to be like an animal or any electronic.
Carl os Ramos Mariel, Grade 4, Four Corners
I would create a spy helicopter that is remote controlled so you could spy on people and you could control it from a computer.
Erik Nieves, Grade 4, Four Corners
I would create an airplane that has cameras and it is so tiny that people can’t see it and I would fly the tiny airplane to outer space.
Adrian Hernandez, Grade 5, Four Corners
I would create a WrestleMania action figure. When I press a button it moves, talks, and sings all the WrestleMania songs.
Atyes Atarino, Grade 5, Four Corners
I would create a flying unicorn. That way I can ride it every day.
Jayme Rivera, Grade 5, Four Corners
I would create a little puppy so I can play with it. The puppy can talk and bring things to me.
Rosy Islas, Grade 5, Four Corners
If I could create something, I would create a phone that turned into a computer.
Andrea Garcia, Grade 5, Four Corners
The toy that I would make is the hot dog maker. It would be a little robot that would make a hot dog.
Jonathan Duarte, Grade 6, Straub
If I had a choice to make any toy in the world, it would be a mini robot that can transform into a big human-size robot that can do literally anything you tell it to except bad things.
Calum Collins, Grade 6, Straub
I would make a toy that could clean up for you. So you can play with your other toys more.
Talia Perez, Grade 6, Straub
My toy would be a snow maker, because if kids live in the desert, they get no snow. So if they want snow, just press the button and snow.
Zane Goldberg, Grade 6, Straub
My toy would be a mind reading mini fridge. You open the door, and the only food you’re thinking of is in there.
Brent Martin, Grade 5, Sumpter
I would like a hologram that would go to school for me.
Alex Lowe, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could make a new toy, it would be a Fluffy Plush, which is a fuzzy ball with a face and is blue. It would have a button inside, so if you squeeze it, it will shout “IIEE!”
Robb ie Martin, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could create a new toy it would be a personal robot that does all your chores and homework for you.
Katie Curtis, Grade 5, Sumpter
It would be a Friend Bot. It would do anything. It is 5 feet tall and is awesome. It can create money, play catch with you and make other toys!
Jayden Blosser, Grade 5, Sumpter
A remote control helicopter that is life-size so you can get in and fly yourself anywhere.
Boston Ralston, Grade 5, Sumpter
I would create a toy called the Brother Bot S-13. It could do anything, but its main function is when my brother annoys me, he throws him outside!
Cheyenn e Stalfire, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could create one toy, it would be a car that runs on its own, that can turn into a plane and fly around the room.
Alexis Gerspacher, Grade 5, Sumpter
If I could make any toy I would make a robot that would be like a real sister. She would help me with my homework.
Kendre y McGath, Grade 5, Sumpter
I would make a toy to do all my homework. Do you know how awesome that would be? It would also tell me everything that I need to know.
Chris Rogers, Grade 5, Sumpter
My new toy would be a horse that poops out ice cream and it’d eat the ice cream, then it would poop out gold and eat the gold, then it would poop out a motorcycle and we’d aaaaall ride away.
Oscar Kreutz Gallardo, Grade 1, Valley Inquiry
I would create a toy that would clean my room.
Josue Acosta Jimenez, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be LaLa Boop doll. She has a pink dress and would dance and sing.
Layla Alba, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would be green and look like 10 boxes. It would have a lid that opened and out pops candies.
Erica Arovich, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that could clean my room in 20 seconds and if I told her to put all the toys in the closet, she would.
Helen Bernal Lagos, Grade 1, Weddle
A cool truck that would run and run without batteries.
Adely n Carter, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would jump and be fun to play with in my room.
Antonio Contreras, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would be a cleaning machine to clean my room, because it needs to be clean.
Lucy Corrales, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would be a big butler that would clean my room and do my chores.
Audrey Davis, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would make would do my homework and clean my room.
Karsten Dunn, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would make would be a robot. It would clean the yard and do all the dishes.
Aiden Follett, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy that would give you kisses, hugs and hold you, too.
Michael Garibay Zesati, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a doll as big as me and dressed as a ballerina. Her name would be Makenna and her dress would be pink and purple.
Makenna Gering, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy that would find cool stuff under the ground and would make beeping sounds when it found something.
Adria n Greene Orta, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a toy horse that would be brown and it would take me to school.
Aracela Hernandez Russell, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy that can walk and could read you stories.
Sarah Kalugin, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy that would make more toys.
Romeo Mata, Grade 1, Weddle
I would create a fake banana made with strings on the outside and inside would be a real banana. I could play it and make music.
Leanne Mudong, Grade 1, Weddle
A car that would be very colorful and have fire coming out of the sides.
Brooklynn Stewart, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a robot that cleans everything for you.
Joshua VanDyke, Grade 1, Weddle
I would make a toy that would climb walls and have claws to protect you.
Aryana Vasquez Centeno, Grade 1, Weddle
The toy I would create would be a toy cat. It would climb and run really fast. I would pick it up and pet it.
Angel Wooley, Grade 1, Weddle
I would make a dog that you could charge. You could play as if he was a dog. If someone is bad he would make a noise.
Angelina Cortes, Grade 3, Auburn
If I could invent a new toy it would be a little box with the red button on the outside of the box and all the rest of it would be blue. I would push the button and it will make the season change. There would be a little button on the other side and when you push that one it will make a different kind of weather all around you. If someone pushes the season button, it would be that season for the whole week. You have to say what kind of season or weather you want and it would do it.
Autumn Dimick, Kindergarten, Bud to Blossom
I would make a toy that could help sick people get better and back to normal. It would look like a rainbow.
Carley Petersen, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy it would look like a bubble and it would turn into anything you say.
Elise Countryman, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a new toy, I would make a robotic teacher mannequin. She would help you with your homework.
Grace Kirksey, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robot dog. The robot dog would act like a puppy or a grown dog and you could also train it and teach it tricks. It would be great for people who are allergic to dogs.
Hailey Fountain, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create the anti-gravity simulator which could disable gravity within a five foot radius.
Isaiah McKinstry, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robotic animal that could do anything a human could do. That way it would be like hanging out with a real person! There would be different gender and animal choices. It would be really smart so it could even do your homework!
Jia Israel, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would name my toy “no cats in the house.” It would be a toy that is shaped like a box and when you press a blue/pink button, it would take the form of a dog and it would bark, walk, run and do tricks. I think it could teach kids responsibility.
Jordyn Carver, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a new toy, I would make a robot that could entertain you and he would be able to do your homework.
Joseph Wavra, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a big treasure chest and a key so nobody would take your stuff.
Thatcher Ohmart, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I created a new toy, I would create a robot made out of metal. The robot would be big and would do whatever I wanted it to do.
Averi Erickson, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a toy that dispenses chocolate. All you would have to do is all of your chores.
Cody Warren, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robot to help the elderly. Meaning, it would make breakfast, lunch and dinner. It would also play games and read out loud to the blind. The robot would also help walk the elderly.
Elliana Rodriguez, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a life-size TARDIS and it would teleport to the past and the future.
Jaimon Chaney, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy invention would be a robot called “Chore” and he’d do all of my chores from cleaning my room to taking out the trash. I’d just play video games all day long.
Jameson Lathen, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a new toy, I would make a robot that could do anything in the world, anytime, anywhere. It would have a square head and a square body. Its arms and legs could stretch. That’s the new toy I would make.
Jocelyn Hawkins, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I built a toy it would be a chore robot so I could watch TV.
Keyanna Harrington, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a ballerina that could spin and dance, just like me.
Kiana DeLeon, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a toy that when you draw on certain paper, it turns into the thing that you draw or glows in the dark.
Makiyah Holder, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a robot that is named Ziggy. It would be really smart. It would not be hurtful; it would be a helpful robot that could build anything.
Mason Murray, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a robot that when you press a button, it jumps into a ball and flies.
Maximus Yermachenkov, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a toy that I could play with when no one else wanted to play. Except I wouldn’t need it because I already have a cat.
Paisley Sparks, Grade 4, Kalapuya
The personal bot. It will be your alarm and if you don’t get up, it will spray water in your face. At school when you drop your lunch, it will clean it all up and get you a new one. Also, if someone takes your wallet, it will race towards them and get your wallet back.
Pardis Ahmadi, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a kid airplane and you could fly in it.
Remington Gray, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a robot that could do my homework and then turn into a giant chocolate fountain.
Ryan Watson, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could make a toy, it would be a dog that was very much like dog but no one would be allergic to it.
Sofia Stonebrink, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a bionic super robot! It would be made out of copper and metal and it would save people!
Sophia Phegley, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a basketbot. A basketbot is a robot that plays basketball. It would help me practice. It would pass to me so I can shoot the ball and play one on one. I will win.
Tommy Slack, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy would be called A.U.T.T. (Age of the Toys). The A.U.T.T. would scan your toy and tell you how old it is.
Jackson Colyer, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy would be a robot that helps you with anything.
Drew Zohner, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy, I would create an assistant robot to help with laundry and housework.
Avery Searle, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy that would work, I would make a robot that would do my homework so I could do my housework.
Brenn an Parker, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy, I would create a toy that would clean your room. It would fold up so small that it could fit in a small space.
David Harvey, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a crayon smasher. It would smash crayons and mix colors together. It would also flatten the crayon out for side coloring.
Dustin Chalton, Grade 4, Kalapuya
A toy called Landon that could help you with anything. Also he could hover over ground and could go anywhere!
Dylan Fast, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a homework machine. It would run on a battery and you would need ink, like a printer. Also it would do all your homework.
Garret Manus, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a Lego model of a Lego robot and make it work to find different types of treasure.
Isaac Yoakum, Grade 4, Kalapuya
It would be a toy helicopter with arms and could get you food, turn your favorite TV show on, and vacuum your entire house in 30 minutes!
Jacob Poissant, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My toy would be the Awesome Robot 3000. My toy would do chores for you just in 10 minutes!
Jake VanOtterloo, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy I would make a toy that would play games with you. There would be a chip for each game. It could play sports or anything else.
Joshua Knowles, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a new kind of football helmet that has night vision in the big space on top. So then you can play in the dark better.
Josiah Hill, Grade 4, Kalapuya
The toy I would create would be a blue and purple marker and a crayon marker that can glow in the dark. It could be washable too. All you need is different colors of crayons.
Judith Jade Mallari, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a cat toy that acts like a real cat. It would come in three colors: black, white and orange. It would sleep, eat, follow and meow.
Lindzee Schaefer, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy, I would make a robot that would help with school work and homework.
Logan Moskal, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I were to create a new toy it would be something that had a remote so you could push the name of the place you wanted to go and you’re there.
Madison Wilch, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would like to create a toy about soccer because I love soccer. I think it would be like hand soccer instead of feet.
Makenzie Shambaugh, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a toy that could play with you if you had no one to play with! It could help you with your homework too. That’s the toy I would create!
Mia Crow, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would like to make a mini basketball hoop that would have a ball returner with every NBA team on the backboard all around.
Noah Schaffner, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would create a big remote controlled spider so I could freak out my brother without being seen doing it.
Paisley Torres, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My new toy would be a new electric robot that would be able to clean my room, prepare food and help me do homework so you don’t have to do it all yourself.
Roman Castronovo, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could invent a new toy it would be a toy that could store your pencils, markers, erasers and colored pencils that would show you multiple backgrounds by flipping a switch. The backgrounds would be white with a thin black outline so you could color it in. Plus, once you ran out of backgrounds, you could go get a new pack at the store.
Ruby McNamee, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be one toy that you could talk to and whatever you said it would do or be. So every kid would have one toy.
Savannah Johnson, Grade 4, Kalapuya
I would make a robot dog. It would be metal and magnetic. It would act like a real dog by fetching magnetic bones, barking when someone comes to my house and many other things.
Sydney Edmiston, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot that can play basketball and all the sports with you. The robot could teach you all the stuff for each sport. It also could clean your room and make you food.
Tyler Rock, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a toy, I would make an action figure that could turn into a mechanical pencil. It could write on paper.
Tyler Scott, Grade 4, Kalapuya
If I could create a new toy it would be a teleporter. It would take you to the past.
Xavier Santoyo, Grade 4, Kalapuya
My new toy would be a new dollhouse and the size would be one meter. It would have two elevators and six bedrooms and two kitchens. It would be the best dollhouse ever and the elevator would move up and down!
Shelby Berkey, Grade 2, Schirle
I would pick a robot and would give it some legs and some arms and it would walk and talk. It would have silver and some gray and a little bit of white. Then after I am all done, I would play with it. It would help me do my homework so I can turn it into my teacher. Then I would be all done with my stuff.
Dazy Guzman, Grade 2, Schirle
The new toy that I’m going to build is a remote-control man. It looks like a warrior with a shield and a sword. There’s buttons on it. You tell it what to do!
Jensen Colvin, Grade 2, Schirle
My new toy would be a jumping shoe and it will jump as tall as me. It is purple and pink!
Ramsey Ebert, Grade 2, Schirle
I would create a new video game called Survive. In the game, you would survive from gummy bear villains by eating them up!
Cole Dodson, Grade 1, Schirle
My toy would be a boomerang that shoots water balloons so that if you miss your friends they will still get wet when the boomerang comes back.
Evan Mckinney, Grade 4, Scott
If I created a toy it would be a robot that would do all my chores.
Cruz Garcia, Grade 5, Scott
If I created a new toy it would be a flying car.
Jaycub Valdivia, Grade 4, Scott
If I created a toy it would be a robot Batman that helps people when they are in trouble.
Micah Rader, Grade 4, Scott
If I could make a toy it would look like a can with handmade arms and legs and it would do your homework for you.
Haylee Romero, Grade 4, Scott
If I could create a toy it would be a small box that you can play games on and it also makes pies.
Billy Strom, Grade 5, Scott
My toy would be called Bodyguard and it would look like a giant dog. When it senses danger it would transform into a bodyguard and take care of the danger.
Nick Cruz, Grade 5, Scott
If I could create a toy it would do stuff like give you money and candy and pop and your own pool.
Eli Pike, Grade 3, Scott
If I could make a toy it would be a puzzle game game that helps people learn. They would learn English, math, writing, and reading.
Joseph Branco, Grade 5, Scott
A lizard that is powered by M&Ms and draws pictures.
Adrian Crider, Grade 5, Myers
A bear that is so cute but whatever you want it would get it for you. It will do anything.
Moriah Chavarri, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a toy where you could make your own friend on a computer and they could play with you.
Sara Jaffe, Grade 5, Myers
I would make FbF 2000. It is a Football Field 2000. It connects to the football to see where the ball was down.
Josh Pikl, Grade 5, Myers
If I could make a toy, it would be an exo-suit that lets you jump high and makes you slide far. It would come with mag-gloves that let you stick to magnetic surfaces.
Malikh i Holloway, Grade 5, Myers
It would be a box. But it would have a button speaker. Once you speak into it (like say you said “stuffed animal”) then you press the button and the box turns into a toy of your choice.
Rylee McKinney, Grade 4, Myers
It would have a big toy robot, so if you don’t have a friend, press the friend button, and it would play whatever you would like to do. It can also be your best friend.
Keely Stone, Grade 4, Myers
It would be a vanquish device so you could go through time to vanquish all your enemies! (evil laugh)
Liliana Bratcher, Grade 5, Myers
Well I would create a robot that looks like me because I’m too cool for school and what it would do is: break dance, get all of my homework in, be the cool kid and, last but not least, it would make me look good in front of people.
S.J. Hunt, Grade 5, Myers
If I could create a new toy it would be a mini Elvis Presley toy and when you push the button it would play all of his songs.
Ryder Story, Grade 4, Myers
If I could make a new toy it would be ... Perry the Plateaus! It would be a crime fighting agent.
Ashton Simmons, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a donut maker. What it will do is tell you what donut you want and there is your donut.
Matt Cerda, Grade 5, Myers
If I created a toy it would be a little flying robot that was just big enough for you to see. And the controller would have a screen so that you could see what the robot was seeing.
Jeremiah Pinkerton, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a flying toy that you can actually get on. It would have 30 seats and it would be covered like a flying car. It would have a lever to move. It would actually have all the things to drive it and you can play inside.
Abigail Barajas, Grade 5, Myers
I would make levitation fuzzy socks so your feet can be warm and you don’t have to walk everywhere.
Kyle e Albers, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a potato launcher that launches potatoes up to 50 feet.
Camryn Winterst, Grade 5, Myers
I would create a robot that could choose clothes for school.
Monste Lopez, Grade 5, Myers
I would invent an action figure that you could set down and then say “bipity bopity boo” and it would come to life. I would call it the Bipity Guys.
Vaughan Tippets, Grade 4, Myers
If I could create a new toy, it would be a chicken nugget toy. This is how it works: You can fry it so it tastes crunchy or you can eat it toasted or just regular and the part that you bit will come back like 20 times and when you get to the middle, then a Slam City guy is in it like John Cena or Kane or Randy Orton and other ones.
Anthony Gonzalez, Grade 3, Sacred Heart
My toy would be a machine that would shoot out soccer balls and then you kick the soccer ball.
Juan Rios, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could create a new toy it would be an Army guy with bombs and it would throw them at you.
Thomas Bischoff, Grade 3, Sacred Heart
The toy I would like to create is a cross between a transformer and Easy-Bake Oven. Both boys and girls can play with it. The oven transforms into a robot and it shoots tasty treats.
Sasha Nagy, Grade 3, Sacred Heart
A new toy I would create would be a homework monkey. It would do all of the work that you do at home.
Nyeelah Brown, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could make a toy, it would be a little toy demonater and it would shoot out candies or toys and sometimes both. It would shoot out a prize for your first time using it.
Brooke Harmon, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
A small stuffed panda that can turn invisible when you say its name. To make it seen, say its name twice and it will reappear. You will never lose it and your dog will never chew it.
Jaiden Collazo, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would create a talking robot that could do your chores for you.
Josie Schultz, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would create a ball that you can turn into different shapes.
Frances Lear, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could make a new toy, it would be a lunchbot 3,000 and it would make me free lunches.
Bryce Harmon, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would invent a T-rex that is all blue with some purple on it. It would be big and you ride on it.
Sofia Contreras, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
If I could create a new toy, it would be a remote control car with four wings and four legs.
Aldair Cruz, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
My toy would be an action figure of three toys put together. The toys would be Batman, Buzz Lightyear and SpongeBob. It would control your parents’ minds so they never say no to you.
Olivia Traeger, Grade 4, Sacred Heart
I would create a toy bed that turns me into a mermaid.
Isabell a Benjamin, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy Nerf gun that when you pull the trigger you turn into Hulk with powers.
Kellen Bowman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a robot chicken that turns into a phone.
Aza Caraway, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy of my dad that saves the world.
Katelyn Clevenger, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy can-robot so if you turn on a switch it goes and if you turn a switch the other way it stops.
Autumn Clinton, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that would make me into Batgirl.
Soraya Goeson, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy that turns me into a flying unicorn.
Moriyah Gonzalez, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy that turns you into a mermaid.
Olivia Jenkins, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy costume that has a rocket in it.
Devyn Johnson, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a dress, shoes and wings that become real.
Joanna Li, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that if you eat it you will turn into Elsa.
Ellyanna Lindquist, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that turns me into a candy.
Jonah Strunk, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy owl that spits out hot lava.
Seth Sweeney, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy candy that when you put it in your mouth, you turn into whoever you want.
Summer Wiley, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy cloak that turns you invisible.
Jacob Wollman, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy Baymax that turns into the armored Baymax.
Jeffrey Zambrana, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy Lego that turns into Lego Simpson’s House.
Koldyn Zunck, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy crumbs that turn the whole world into Elsa.
Julia Tucker, Kindergarten, Salem Academy
I would create a toy that is a touchable optical illusion. Something that would be interesting even for adults.
Santiago Blanco-Mills, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a toy it would be the hover bike. It would be the toy sensation that’s sweeping the nation.
Martin Lopez, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would make a toy that launches footballs into a field goal post, but you have to aim it yourself.
Anthon y Saltarello, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would make a toy called the chore-o-bot that would do your chores.
Caiden Cummings, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It would be a castle builder. It would make your dream castle or home.
Samuel Schindler, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would create a Nerf gun that would be able to go 500 feet.
Sebastian Ramos, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would create a robotic giraffe that you could ride anywhere and you could pick fruit from the tallest trees.
Skyla Troxelll, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could make a toy, it would be an animal or a baby that you have to take care of, or it would get sick.
Isabella, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
A machine that can slow time down so you can play more video games.
Luke Holland, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
My new toy would be called the “Piano-Teacher.� � It would be able to teach you piano notes, all the latest songs, and more, in the form of a super cool black and white robot with a little piano attached to it.
Aidan Ayres, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a machine that would bring all the Star Wars characters to life.
Bridget Raffensperger, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy series it would be called the mini creations set. You could make mini world wonders such as the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, a limited gigantic cookie, and much more.
Ian Burchard, Grade 5, Queen Of Peace
If I were to name a new toy, it would be called “Broccoli Science; how to make and eat,” and it would be a kit with all natural ingredients and instructions on how to grow the broccoli.
Kyle Fromwiller, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would create a small box that could turn into a custom design water park.
Ella Mhoon, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
My toy would be a giant pillow with an iPad inside!
Renee, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It will be a giant doll house that comes with many different toys. Plus it will have a secret place to hide your toys from your little siblings.
Jasmin e Manuel, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
The toy would be a video game called “Super You.” You are a super hero that fights crime. You take a photo of yourself and upload it on the game.
Hannah Estrabo, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
I would make a toy that helps you with your homework.
Ismael Lopez, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It would be called toys and robots. It would take metal planes, cars and ships toys and transform into remote control robots.
Marc Devaux, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
The toy I would create would be an auto assist to help you with controls on a gaming system like Xbox, PS3 or PS4.
Jacob Giruc, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot which would scan your handwriting and it would do your homework in your handwriting!
Ale x Cirocco, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would look like a lady that has blond hair and it would make money for the kids.
Maddy Carlson, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot brother and it would be your servant for life.
Belen Cedillo, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could make any toy it would be called Squdilly. It would be a squid with with a human face and it would be used to scare people on April Fool’s Day.
Ellie Fromwiller, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a robot genius and what it would do is it would do your work and homework.
Emily Lopez, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy, I would call it the Chocolate Walker and it would walk and do your chores.
Elisha Davison, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I had to make a new toy it would be a robot that only listens to your voice and only cleans your room. The robot will have one wheel, blue eyes, and super long arms.
Rachel Sever, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a toy that looked like a soda machine, but when my sister tries to get a bottle of pop, it will shrink her and trap her inside the bottle.
Liam Stanley, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could make a toy it would be a blue shoe that tap dances.
Tommy George, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I made a new toy it would be a chocolate dispenser and it would give you chocolate if you put a quarter in.
Eddie Hermmann, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be a remote controlled dog but the best thing is that you could feed the dog your homework.
Kellen Hayase, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy it would be called the Homework Machine (TM). It would do all your homework for you.
Ben Cupani, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I created a toy it would be called the Cry Baby. It would be indescribably ugly and it would make kids cry (ages 0-3) by ugliness and a horrible sound.
Spencer Kowalski, Grade 4, Queen of Peace
If I could create a new toy, I’d grab my sister and we would invent flying shoes. When you put them on you’d be able to fly. Just try not to crash!
Ziba Mokalla, Grade 5, Queen of Peace
It would be Godzilla 2014 and he would roar and shoot his atomic breath.
Jason Kelly, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would create a magical portal that would let you go into books!
Trystan Patton, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would make a Create your own Toy! First, for example, you pick your toy like a doll or something, then you would pull a string and talk into it, making it copy your voice. Finally, you would design it!
Olivia Longoria, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would create a toy robot that would do your homework and bring you snacks.
Marli Davenport, Grade 5, Salem Heights
If I were to make a toy it would be a robot that does your homework and reads book to you and goes to school for you.
Nevaeh DuHamel, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could make a new toy, it would be a remote controlled helicopter that says stuff so you could prank your friend.
Trevor Goldman, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a toy it would be a Ducks toy that could make the Ducks win all their games.
Matthew Gauntt, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would make an everything-you-want ball. If you say “race car” to it, then you get a race car!
Makayla Meleason, Grade 5, Salem Heights
A robot spider to scare your parents.
Brody Sparks, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a new toy, it would be a big monkey that could talk and walk and babies would love it!
Mackenzie Larson, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would make a toy pig that poops free bacon for breakfast in the morning so your mommy doesn’t have to spend time to make bacon. And so the bacon monster doesn’t get you.
Devin Wardell, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I were to create a toy it would be a robot machine where you put in your homework in a mail slot then it writes the answers down on the paper and gives it back to you.
Nadia Ledesma, Grade 4, Salem Heights
It would be a robot bat that eats all the bugs in the house and feeds you cake.
Nora Cielo, Grade 5, Salem Heights
I would make an Internet ball. It would have free Internet (of course) and it would be the color blue and it would have a cord to plug it into your iPad (or iPod or computer, etc.).
Rylan Davidson, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would make an iron man that can change into anything. Yes!
Conner Franklin, Grade 4, Salem Heights
One that helps you with hard times like math.
Lainey Geisel, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would make a robot bath that would wash you and wash your hair and clean your body and dry you off and drain all by itself. Then it would get you dinner and put you to sleep. And it would go back in the bathroom and go to sleep itself and in the morning the boy would take a bath again. The end.
Kaylee Peschel, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a new toy I would make me because it is so cool to see me in the mirror and do what I do.
Elektra Baker, Grade 4, Salem Heights
It would be an action figure that makes bacon and money and does all my homework and protects me and looks like Santa Claus.
Anthony Evans, Grade 5, Salem Heights
If I made a toy, it would be a toy bat that could fly and talk to you.
Joseph Manring, Grade 4, Salem Heights
It would be a robot to do your chores and homework and it would play with you and it would protect you if you were in danger.
Draven Poole, Grade 4, Salem Heights
A tron that is called the Nerf chest. It is full of hidden adventures.
Aida n Lunceford, Grade 4, Salem Heights
The lasy tron 3,000. It has six boxes and they’re filled with food and it has a stand for electronics.
Ayd en scalf, Grade 5, Salem Heights
The fluber friends: a group of dogs, cats, and turtles that can stretch, but can still go back to their regular shapes. It is also machine washer safe.
Ashlynn Steiner, Grade 5, Salem Heights
If I could make a new toy it would be a robot who did your chores and made me food.
Caleb Rydholm, Grade 4, Salem Heights
I would create a toy that does everything for you. For example, your homework.
Faith Maldonado, Grade 4, Salem Heights
If I could create a toy, I’d create a zebra print curling iron. It would curl my hair for me and still not burn me.
Hannah Fery, Grade 5, St. Mary
I would make a real light saber. It would not cut things. It would only feel like a foam sword.
Tristan Klascius, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I made a toy I would make it a toy microwave and instead of numbers it has letters. You would type in what you want and out it comes!
Allison Hendricks, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a laser blaster binkie for babies. Definitely.
Luca s Flett, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot that could do your homework for you.
Tyler Fery, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy it would be a walking unicorn that would be a little maid and there would be a button that would be red with sparkles and when you pushed it it would scare bullies away. And another button would make the unicorn turn into anything in the world.
Reesey Budlong, Grade 4, St. Mary
I want to make a teddy bear that shoots lasers out of its eyes and does karate.
Garrett Callsen, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a video game called U.S. Army and you could drive tanks and Army jeeps. It would be like Call Of Duty but better. With more updates.
Dylan Wellborn, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a super blast rocket toy! It would blast up in the air and it would go 100 feet up or make a super duper deep hole underground by blasting underground. After blasting, it would come right back to you and it would start to slow down and you would be able to catch it without getting hurt.
Michael Duncan, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy it would be a stuffed unicorn that can store art supplies, Starbursts, jelly beans and Skittles!
Amy Martinez, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would make a giant unicorn that would fly on rainbows and eat leftovers from dinner so you wouldn’t have to eat it the next day. And bring you to a far away land during night so you won’t have to hear snoring at night.
Joshua Blish, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could make a new toy I would call it a porter. It is an item that can teleport you anywhere you would want to go.
Luke Carlock, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would create a box that could turn into a football, basketball, soccer ball, create gym and airhogs, so you can see what is going on around you. It would be so cool!
Cody Ditter, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a toy it would be a creeper from Minecraft and when you put your hand in front of it, the creeper would come to life and you would get diamond armor and a diamond sword. Then you would go to a Minecraft world and you would be surrounded by creepers. You would have to survive them and when you killed the creepers you could stay in Minecraft or return to Earth!
Adam Hilton, Grade 4, St. Mary
My toy would be made so that you could customize it to make it do whatever you want. You could even create your own creature!
Anna Welter, Grade 4, St. Mary
It would be called Drable. It is a double-headed dragon and each scale you push something happens. There are 100 scales and if you call in the next 24 hours you get it free and you get not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 of them free! Thank you for watching.
Aidan Klascius, Grade 4, St. Mary
I would create a lollipop that can change into any toy tractor, football, basketball, chocolate, Sour Patch Kids, a Nerf gun, baseball, skittles, pizza, hamburger, fries, basketball gym, hot dog and a real life farm with some cows, some horses, some pigs, some sheep, some bunnies, some cats and some dogs.
Casey Voltin, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I created a toy it would be called DONE! It would be a remote with a keyboard. Type something, hit the DO button and DONE.
Melissa Gonzalez, Grade 4, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy it would be a blank shapeless thing that would form into anything the buyer wanted including living animals or pets. You could even want money and would get it but that money would be all you get. You cannot want money makers because that would be bad for the government.
Ayde n Murphy-Kirsch, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could create a new toy, it would be a robot that could do homework and other chores for me.
Wyatt Zerkel, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could invent a new toy, it would be a button that says “NO.” When you push on, it would say “NO.” So when your parents say, “Don’t say no to me,” you would get to say, “I did not say it, the button did.”
CeCe Baughman, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could make a new toy, it would be a put together robot that would be real and would do anything you ask it to.
Colten Nussbaumer, Grade 5, St. Mary
My new toy would be a soft fluffy bunny that roars like a cow. It would be so soft to sleep with and the cow noise could wake up your brothers or sisters.
Tristan McMullen, Grade 5, St. Mary
If I could create a toy, it would be called Andre Bot 3000. It would be a a robot that is 3 feet tall and be a regular robot. It does your chores and you could play with it.
Andre Pelayo, Grade 5, St. Mary
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•If you were standing in the Oval Office with President Obama, what would you ask him? Answer by Feb. 11, publication Feb. 18.
•Why does being tickled make us laugh? Answer by Feb. 18, publication Feb. 25.
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