Museums & Aquariums & Planetariums, Oh My!

by Angel Jordan | 30 Jun 2023


So my family and I just got back from a quick vacation down in Miami, Florida. We ended up staying in a hotel right near a lot of really great tourist attractions, but of all the places we went, there was one that stood out to me the most: the Frost Science Museum.




Well, it wasn't just a museum.


It was a museum and an aquarium and a planetarium! It's a summer camp field trip dream come true. (And we definitely saw a lot of camp groups there.)


We started out with one of the shows at the planetarium. The whole thing looked like a massive globe and reminded me of one of those spherical space telescopes you sometimes see on TV. The show wasn't super long, but we got to learn about black holes while looking up at an enormous doomed screen. From there, we explored one of the MeLabs. The particular one we went into was all about the human body and about taking care of your body. It was the perfect set up for kids with a thermo-screen, plenty of tactile displays, and two large screens where you can compete against someone in life-sized Fruit Ninja!


We then explored the topmost floor where you can learn about different methods of collecting energy like solar and wind. In addition to the amazing view, you could look out with a pair of large binoculars or check out the human sundial. My mom was a fan of all the natural flora on the roof and the placards explaining some wild life facts. (Did you know monarch butterflies ate milkweed and it makes them taste bad to animals that would otherwise eat them?)


Next was the aquarium which extends through about 3 floors of the building. On the top floor, we got to see some coral, urchins, and jellyfish. The coral, they explained, was an endangered species they were trying to help bounce back. We also watched them feed the stingrays. We then went down a floor to where the aviary was. There were also some exhibits showing how different factors can impact aquatic ecosystems, like changing the water pathway. They also had touch pools. My favorite part was getting to see a Queen Angelfish up close. They've always been my favorite for obvious reasons.


Finally, we entered the floor where most of the tanks were. There were interactive games where you could match the fish on the screen to the ones in the tank. I spent the most time there just staring at all the fish swimming around.


All in all, it was probably my favorite aquarium/museum/planetarium I've ever been to. (And as a frequent summer camper and later camp counselor, I've seen plenty.) We didn't stop by the museum this time, but they had a whole exhibit on mummies there. The entire place was wheelchair accessible. They also had some pretty great prices, including a major military discount if that applies to you. Almost the entire thing is outdoors, however, so do make sure to sunscreen up and drink plenty of water if you go in the summer.


If you happen to be in Miami sometime, I would definitely suggest taking a trip to the Frost Science Musuem. You can learn more about it here:

museum frost museum aquarium planetarium adventure learning through play

Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!