Brian Goldner Reminds Us: How Do We Want to be Remembered?

by Nancy Zwiers | 14 Oct 2021

The Bloom Report

Brian Goldner Reminds Us:  How Do We Want to be Remembered?

Our industry lost a giant this week. Brian Goldner, CEO of Hasbro, passed too soon at 58 and days later, we are still reeling. Many of us have taken to social media to express our sorrow and to share how we will remember him. Some knew him well, working alongside him day to day. Others interacted with him sporadically over time. Some simply saw him in his public role as an industry leader at industry and media events.

In combing through the countless tributes to Brian, I see some of the ways his business community remembers him. What emerges is a portrait of a truly inspiring human being, as the quotes below attest.

Inspiring in life, Brian continues to inspire…specifically, the impact he leaves behind inspires us all to re-examine the question: How do we want to be remembered?

Take this moment, review these quotes about Brian, and ask yourself, “How do I want to be remembered?”

Do I want to be remembered for what I accomplished?

“Instrumental in transforming the Company”

“Tireless advocate for the toy and play industry”

Do I want to be remembered for how I led?

“Extraordinary leader”

“Strong corporate leader”

“Transformative leader”

“Visionary leader”

“Essential voice guiding the evolution of the business”

Do I want to be remembered for how I fulfilled my multiple roles?


“Strategic architect”

“Fierce competitor”

“Innovative marketer”

“Persuasive spokesperson”

“Enthusiastic champion”

“Commitment champion”

“Respected peer”

“Wonderful mentor”

“Great friend”

Do I want to be remembered for my mind?



Do I want to be remembered for my ability to move others?





Do I want to be remembered for how I treated others?







“Socially responsible”


Finally, do I want to be remembered in superlative terms?

“Universally admired and respected”



Can we process the grief and sadness over what has been lost, and at the same time, reflect on the legacy we ourselves are building every day through our words and deeds? The famous quote attributed to Maya Angelou is apropos: 

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Brian, you made so many people feel strong, capable, determined, inspired, valued, and worthy of respect. We in the children’s play and entertainment industry who were touched by you want to say “thank you” for the worthwhile life you led—we are all blessed by it.




Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!