by Rachel Griffin | 06 Oct 2022
Biographies and Interviews
Why did you want to create a game?
We were in lockdown and we always had ideas about creating something and this was the right time to try!
What has been your biggest achievement?
Winning amazing awards in the toy industry! I'm a finalist for TAGIE Young Inventor category right now and I've been honored with Mom’s Choice Honoring Excellence, Toy Insider Top Summer Toy Winner and National Parenting Products Awards Winner!
What was your biggest failure?
All the prototypes because a lot of them were nowhere near what we wanted or what it is today. And that is part of the journey to making something.
Do you have a mantra that you live by?
It doesn't matter if you succeed or not, it matters how hard you try.
If you look back at yourself 10 years ago, is this where you thought you’d be? Where did you think you’d be? What changed? What went right?
I wasn't alive! I need a few more years to answer this.
What trends do you see in toys or games that excite or worry you?
Too many video games that then fry your brain.
What advice do you have for people starting in the industry?
It is hard to start something new but it is fun and worth it. It is also a learning experience
Do you have a typical workday and how does it play out for you?
I wake up and go to school, and come home and play and do homework. Then my mom and I spend a few minutes on KidQuest.
What’s a problem you’re still trying to solve?
How to have KidQuest reach more people and families
What and/or who inspires you?
Sports people who reach their dreams, and people who do good things for the world. And Young people doing new things and reaching for their dreams
What excites you?
It excited me to see people buy and love our game.
How do you recharge or take a break?
I play or read a book.
What words describe how you think or how your brain works?
What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
Where were you born?
Cape Town, South Africa.
What was your life like growing up?
I’m still growing up! My life is extremely fun.
What is one mistake you’ve made, and what did you learn from it?
Not focusing when I did a bike jump and breaking my collar bone. I learnt to always be focused.
Who is the person you most admire?
Nelson Mandela.
What is your favorite gadget, app or piece of software that helps you every day?
Spotify, because I love music.
When was the last time you laughed out loud? What caused it?
Yesterday, my friends doing funny things at school.
What are your favorite childhood memories?
Going to the Galapagos. That was really fun.
Are you named after anyone?
Mount Everest!
Do you have any pets?
Yes! Waffle! My golden retriever is nearly 2.
What’s in your fridge?
Ice cream.
Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which one(s)?
Yes, the guitar.
What music are you listening to now?
The sounds of redbull.
What’s your favorite cereal?
Chocolate granola.
What’s the first thing you usually notice about people?
If they are kind or not.
What is the last time you did something for the first time?
A few weeks ago I sold KidQuest outside my school, it was the first time I sold it to someone in person.
What are your favorite books?
Bear Grylls books.
What are your favorite magazines?
National Geographic Kids.
Do you prefer scary movies or happy endings?
What’s your favorite TV show?
The floor is Lava.
What are your favorite sports and sports teams?
Biking, skiing, surfing, rugby, football, PSG, Barcelona, Springboks.
Who are your favorite athletes?
Fabio Wimber, Kai, Louic Bruny and Matt Jones Andrew delaGondguy.
What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
Living in Kenya for a while and going to an amazing local school.
What’s your beverage of choice?
Ginger Ale.
Summer or Winter?
Hugs or Kisses?
What is your eye color?
I’m lucky that….
I have amazing parents.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A sportsman.
What’s next?
Recovering from my collar bone injury and finally being active again!
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