Rob Yusim: Always Looking for the Next Great Innovation

by The Bloom Report | 24 Oct 2024

Biographies and Interviews


Hi Rob! Looking forward to seeing you at our POP Week events soon! Please share what do you do in our industry for our readers.

 I am the President & Founder of Product Counsel (PC). PC has 3 main areas of business. First, we are most famous for launching brands using Direct to Consumer strategies. I brought Spin Master into the space in 2006 and over a 5-year period launched dozens of brands like Moon Sand, Air Hogs Havoc Heli & many more with amazing success. Since 2011, PC has worked with numerous companies to launch very successful brands including Wubble Ball, LaserX, Kurio Tablet, Pixicade & many more. Second, PC works with inventors to help them license or launch their innovations. PC has licensed many successful inventions in the toy industry including Pop2Play, ZippySack, our latest Nockles to name a few. Third, PC works with young companies to mentor and guide them to success. Many young companies lack the learning curve and make basic mistakes which can limit their potential. PC helps them with strategy; sourcing; architecting channels of distribution including domestic US retail & international; financial management, marketing and more. I am currently working with ZipString, which was featured on Shark Tank. Our goal is to grow from a single Sku product to a multi-brand toy company.



What is it about the Toy and Game Industry that you love?

I love that the toy industry is a fashion-oriented business with constant change. Every year there is demand for innovation & new products. I also love that it is a global business… I love the friendships that I have been able to develop with many amazing people around the world.


What is your claim to fame?

Initially my claim to fame was the success I had with Spin Master launching direct response campaigns with many of their most successful brands. More recently, I have been told repeatedly that my claim to fame is my consistency of success… every year being involved with at least one or many hit products/brands.


What do you feel has been your greatest “win” so far in life? What was your biggest failure?

My biggest win is my close relationship with each of my 3 kids. They are each unique people on great paths, and they know that I love them, and they can count on me. I recently became a grandfather to twins. I cannot get enough of being with them!



What are you still hoping to accomplish?

I love what I do and am continually working to maximize the potential for all the brands & companies I work with… But I am always looking for the next great innovation that I can help to achieve success!



Why and how did you get into the Toy and Game industry?

Early in my career I was involved in a toy product called Grip Ball, which was a great success in the early 90’s. My boss at the time asked me to find more toy products to fill the pipeline. I saw many kids playing with Devil Sticks, did my research (pre-internet) and found the company in Toronto that was making it. I made an appointment with them and walked into a warehouse in Toronto to meet Anton, Ronnen & Ben the then 21-year-old founders of Spin Master. We made a deal which turned out to be Spin’s first ever international deal. That deal was successful and led to a friendship between me and these 3 young guys, that ultimately led to me beginning to launch direct response campaigns with them in 2006.


What has kept you motivated to stay in the toy industry?

I love working with innovative products and I love helping companies be successful.


What was your favorite project to date?

Oh, that’s like asking me to choose my favorite child! I have many favorites including... Rocket Fishing Rod because it was my first Direct launch with Spin Master, that showed the potential success of the model; Havoc Heli & Moon Sand because of their massive successes; Wubble Ball & LaserX have been amazing successes and a big part of my wonderful relationship with NSI over the past 12 years; ZippySack because it led to a long-term friendship and business relationship with Amer the inventor. Spin Balls because it similarly led to a great friendship with Kevin & Jimi at Fun In Motion; Pixicade because it’s a labor of love to work with the founders Martin & Alysha to help them achieve the success they deserve; and ZipString because Austin & Stephen remind me of my time working with Anton, Ben & Ronnen when they started fresh out of college. Such innovative and nice young men.


What trends do you see in toys or games that excite or worry you?

 I am excited that I can work with small companies to help them become larger companies. But to the same degree I am concerned about the economy and business conditions today that could cause some companies to fail.


What advice can you give to inventors who are presenting new toy or game ideas to you?

If possible, file a provisional patent application; Create a prototype; Film your prototype in action. These investments will add value and put you in a better position to get the best possible deal.


What advice would you give a young adult graduating from high school or college today?

Try and find a mentor. I was fortunate to have a mentor… and the benefits were exponential.



Do you have a typical workday and how does it play out for you?  

The beautiful thing about my work is that every day is different.


What is the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job occurs when I walk into a retail store and see someone buying one of the products, I worked on… Or when I see a child asking their parents for it… It’s really the best feeling!


What excites you?

Innovation! I love seeing/reviewing new inventions… It’s a great feeling when you discover something special, and you get to work on it.


Who is your all-time favorite Disney character?

Winnie the Pooh… because he is named after my hometown of Winnipeg, Canada. When my kids were young, Disney put on Winnie the Pooh Festivals in Winnipeg to honor the place that Winnie was named after.


Would you rather have one $100 toy or 100 $1 toys?

One $100 toy!


How do you jumpstart your creativity when you find yourself stalled?

I take a break from it for a while and then come back to it re-freshed!


Are you a dog person or a cat person?

Dog person!


What are your guilty pleasures?

In 2019 to celebrate my 30th year in business, I splurged on a sports car… which I continue to enjoy!


Who are your favorite musicians, singers or musical groups?

The Rolling Stones! I went with my son to Las Vegas to see them during their last tour.


What’s your beverage of choice?

I generally drink water… But if I am having a cocktail… I love a great Old Fashioned.


Summer of Winter?

Summer! The Summers in Winnipeg are beautiful!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I am doing it!


People wouldn’t know?

That I was on an episode of Impractical Jokers.


What do you hope your legacy will be?

Overall, my kids. My father passed away when I was 13 years old, so it’s been my goal to be involved in my kids’ lives and that they know that I am 100% there for them. From a business perspective, I’d like to be remembered for my success of launching numerous products, brands & inventions!


I’m lucky that….

I have a wonderful family & I get to have a career that I love!



Thank you for taking time to answer our questions thoughtfully and with a sense of play!

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