Hidden Role with Crazy Aaron Muderick - Thinking Putty - David Yakos

by David Yakos | 20 Aug 2021

Biographies and Interviews

Hidden Role: The Brains Behind your Favorite Games --- Creating a business from scratch is hard enough - but manufacturing the product, distributing it, AND running the company, all after quitting your job to pursue a dream? Sounds pretty crazy... but Aaron Muderick is an expert in crazy. He's here to share his journey from the smallest inkling of an idea to a worldwide success. Keep up with Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty: https://www.instagram.com/thinkingputty https://crazyaarons.com/ Follow Aaron Muderick: https://www.tiktok.com/@therealcrazya... --- Hidden Role Podcast is also available on most major podcast networks! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... --- Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter to get a sneak peak at our upcoming guests: https://www.hiddenrolepodcast.com/ --- Have an idea for someone who should appear on the show? Leave a comment below OR make a suggestion at: https://www.hiddenrolepodcast.com/sug..

thinking putty crazy aaron yakos podcast

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