
POP Book - Games - Puzzles

Kanoodle is a 3D brain teaser puzzle game that’s played independently. The game pieces, called Noodles, are colorful bead-like circles that are connected to make up different shapes. There are t...welve different noodles, each a different color and shape. The game begins with one noodle in a specific place on the puzzle, and the object of the game is...[CLICK TO READ MORE]Show more

Rubik’s Cube is a 3D combination puzzle. It is made up of 26 miniature cubes, or “cubies”, and each of these are interlocked with the other cubies. Each of the cube’s faces are... made up of 9 cubies arranged in 3x3 rows. The object of the puzzle is to...[CLICK TO READ MORE]Show more

Test out your problem-solving skills with Ivan Moscovich’s “The Big Book of Brain Games: 1,000 PlayThinks of Art, Mathematics & Science,” a comprehensive catalog of puzzles, ridd...les, mental games, and thought experiments. Divided into 14 categories including logic and probability, curves and circles, and patterns, Moscovich’s hefty book has a challenge for every mind. Colorfully created with an abundance of visuals, “The Big Book of Brain Games” has 1,000 puzzles to choose from, all ranked in varying degrees of difficulty. Also interspersed throughout the book are quotes from famous mathematicians, scientists, and artists, as well as text boxes that offer explanations of different concepts, ranging from ancient theories to more modern discoveries. READ MORE...Show more

Tait & Lily, Inventors of Betcha Can't!