Read the obituary and tribute to Kosin Virapornsawan, Managing Director of PlanToys.
A tribute to Aaron Arvia, written by Brian Torney.
Dan Klisner writes about his father, Stuart Klitsner, and the beloved time they spent playing games with him in the final years of his life as he celebrates Father's Day.
In this heartwarming memorium, inventor Leonard Clark is remembered as a kind, friendly, creative soul.
Stevanne Auerbach, lovingly known to readers and viewers as "Dr. Toy" passed away on October 19, 2022. Jacqueline Fulmer, Ph.D. writes a tribute to her and everything she accomplished in her life.
The toy and game industry mourns David Yeh, who left his mark on many companies. Those who knew and worked with him share their tributes to Yeh, including Alan Hassenfeld, Tom Kalinske, and Nick Austi...n.Show more
Jack Morrissey writes a heartwarming tribute to Barry Burlison as a highly talented, creative individual.
Jill Waller writes on the passing of Richard Tait, Co-Founder and CEO of Grand Poobah of Cranium.
Legacy Daniel Winston shares a few things he picked up from his father, Manny, about inventing. He touches on how developing fearlessness, playfulness, and disrespectfulness help in finding solutions,... innovation, and success.Show more