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Moderator: Catherine McMillen Gill (Co-Founder & President, McGill Assoc’s) Panelists: Sandra Gomez (Founder & CEO, Ludilo), Megan Hinterman Kanous (Business Development Manager Publisher Services,... Inc.), Emile Kalis (Co-founder and Product Development Adviser, Identity Games Int'l), Alex Green (UK Managing Director, Asmodee), Bond Yuen (Manager, Broadway Toys Hong Kong) Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, and Goliath.Show more
Moderator: Christine Blumberg (Owner/Principal, RBG Sales) Panelists: Nicole Bortnick (Co-Owner, BGN Sales Group, LLC), Carl Buchbinder (President, Toyology Inc), Tom Rushton (President, Revenew, Erin Griffin (Specialty Sales Rep Partner Erin Griffin Group), Brad Ketz (President, Ketz & Associates) Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, and Goliath.Show more
Moderator: Karen Klein,(Kid Market Matchmaker Sales & Distribution Agency Worldwide) Panelists: Claudio Borella (CEO, Borella s.r.l. Owner, Donchisciotte, Italy), Ali Moosajee (Business Strategist &... Managing Director, HI 5 Gen Trading, UAE), Viren Mohan (Buyer, Pick n Pay, South Africa) Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, and Goliath.Show more
Moderator: Willie Wilkov (CEO, North America at HABA Family of Companies) Panelists: Richard Derr (President, Learning Express Lake Zurich), Betty Skoke Burns (Owner, Angelina's Toy Boutique), Amy Sa...ldanha (Owner, kiddywampus), Sarah Jordan (CEO, Mastermind ) Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, Goliath and HABA.Show more
Moderator: David Norman (President of Goliath North American and Global Gaming) Panelists: Bob Moog (President of University Games and and Matt Stahlin (President, Flat River Group) ...Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, and Goliath.Show more
David Norman (President of Goliath North American and Global Gaming) discusses the hurdles toys and games face when catching the eye of retailers with panelists Mark Menichini (Toy Buyer at Meijer) an...d Daniel Warren (Toy Buyer at JCPenney). Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, and Goliath.Show more
Backed by 10 years of industry experience, Brady Peterson explains how he went from an inventor licensing my ideas to becoming a publisher/ online retailer.
Based on historical data over the past 20 years, Richard Derr, owner of Learning Express Toys, predicts that COVID-19 could cause sales declines of at least 20%. He then outlines how to plan and react... to this impact on the industry.Show more