

Moderators: Steve Reece (President, Kids Brand Insight) Panelists: Josh West (Head of Product Design and Sourcing, Thinkfun), Pete Ridgewell (Director/Owner at Spectrum Product Development limited, Am...y Holden (Founder and Director, World Alive S.LWorld Apart). Sponsored by Longshore Limited, Mattel, and Big G Creative.Show more

Hasbro Executive Phil Sage recounts a vivid memory from early in his career, a reality check he needed to think in the eyes of a child in order to make a product that meets consumers' needs.

Jim Harrison shares with new inventors a list of top ten tips for play-testing that have proved useful in his experience and how to get the greatest benefit from the process.

Toy inventor David Yakos dives deep into how the inaugural Ocean Plastic Leadership Summit impacted the industry's attitude toward environmentally sustainable packaging.

Barry and Jason walk through their animal-themed mantra, The Whole Buffalo. Implementing this method demonstrates environmentally sustainable design practices.

Nick Frankel and Greg Tanacea of Let's Play Games outline some of their basic rules for publishers to follow in order to get the most out of playtesting their games.

Jennifer Ellis-Juncaj and Allison Ramsey delve into how the the COVID-19 pandemic united them and how the pair joined forces to tackle the challenge of playtesting in accordance with social distancing... guidelines.Show more